"Here comes the Sun... the smile's returning to their faces"
Check out this video by the BBC from 2022. It sounds like The Beatles knew even as far back as 1969 just how big of an impact the Sun has on our mood, our health and our vitality.
Worth the 6 minute watch... a very informative and relatable video about just how inextricably linked we are to the sun for LIFE.
There's an interesting reference to a study done about people who spent 40 days in a cave with no access to sunlight. The participants completely lost track of time, days and nights without the rhythmic rising and setting of the sun, our body's natural timeclock.
Also interesting is a reference to a study where 20 minutes of bright sunshine in the morning had the same or better effect on mood than some anti-deprressants.
Lots more info coming validating the connection between the sun + life.